How to Draw Pikachu Charizard Step by Step

Step 1. Pikachu Charizard Drawing Tutorial

To begin draw a large oval for the head. Draw two smaller circles to mark the base of the body.


Step 2

Draw guidelines for the mask, tail, arm and feet. Sketch where the wings will go. Use lines and a circle for face and chest marking.


Step 3

Following the guidelines draw the outline for the arms, feet and mask. Sketch eye holes on the mask and draw the eyes. Continue drawing the wings.


Step 4

Draw more outlines for the facial features and the mask. Connect the wings to the body and add more guide lines and shapes for the tail.


Step 5

Sketch the final details including a flaming tail and final wing spikes. Use circles and lines to finish the face and draw the fingers and toes.


Step 6

To finish go over the drawing outline in pen and erase the guidelines.


Pikachu Charizard always wants to be the best… Enjoy his new transformations by drawing them step-by-step and coloring them afterwards. Have fun while doing it and try as many times as you want!