How to Draw Pikachu’s Eyes

Step 1. Pikachu’s Eyes Drawing Tutorial

Begin by drawing a large oval for Pikachu’s head with a line marking the centre of his face. Sketch in Pikachu’s mouth and use lines as guides for Pikachu’s outward facing ears.


Step 2

Create the outline of Pikachu’s ears and his face. Use symmetrical circles to draw Pikachu’s eyes.


Step 3

Use small circles for Pikachu’s pupils and draw a tiny nose. Draw round cheeks and mark off the end of Pikachu’s ears. Draw some scruffy fur on the top of Pikachu’s head.


Step 4

Go over the outline of your picture in pen and shade in Pikachu’s eyes and ear markings. Erase any guidelines.


Follow these free drawing instructions to draw Pikachu. Watch your sketch transform step-by-step as you move from base outline to face features. This Pikachu eyes drawing is ideal for beginners and is sure to make you want to draw more Pokémon characters.