This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to draw Pikachu in baseball cap. Take some time out to enjoying this free, relaxing drawing activity. Using shapes and lines your picture will progress from outlines to a detailed Pikachu drawing.

Step 1. Pikachu in Baseball Cap Drawing Tutorial
Draw a large oval for the head and smaller ovals for the base of the body. Use lines to mark where the tail will end. Mark the top of the hat and sketch an outline for the base and side of the body.

Step 2
Draw guidelines for the ears, arms and feet. Draw the sides of the hat and top of the tail. Add a small nose and top of Pikachu’s mouth.

Step 3
Use lines to create a happy expression by drawing the eyes and bottom of the mouth. Outline the feet, arms, ears and hat.

Step 4
Add more details to the hat and draw Pikachu’s hands and feet. Use zig-zag lines to finish the tail. Sketch the marking on Pikachu’s ears and back. Use curved lines to draw the cheeks and tongue.

Step 5
Outline the drawing with a pen and erase the guidelines.