Can we all agree that Pikachu is the cutest? DLearn how to draw Pikachu’s body in this simple step-by-step drawing tutoria. First, draw your Pikachu, and then color your masterpiece.

Step 1. How to Draw Pikachu’s Body Step-by-Step
To begin draw two small circles as guides for the base of Pikachu’s body. Draw a larger shape for Pikachu’s head and mark the middle of his face.

Step 2
Draw lines as guides for Pikachu’s ears, arms, and feet. Connect the guide circles to make the outline for Pikachu’s body and use zig-zag lines to create his lightning bolt tail.

Step 3
Create the outline for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Use circles for his eyes and cheeks. Finish off Pikachu’s tail.

Step 4
Sketch the final details including Pikachu’s eyes, nose and mouth. Add some fur on the top of his head and mark off his tail and ears.

Step 5
Complete the picture by going over the outline in pen and shading in his eyes as well as his tail and ear markings. Erase any pencil guidelines.