Wonder no more how to draw a stacked Pikachu. After hitting the gym this little Pokémon has packed on the muscle. Following free step-by-step instructions, you can learn how create your own buff Pikachu. You can make his muscles grow.

Step 1. Buff Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
To start you will need to draw 6 different shaped ovals, these are for Pikachu’s arms, legs, torso and head.

Step 2. Shoulders and Arms Drawing
Next draw two circles for Pikachu’s biceps, these will overlap the shoulder and arm ovals. Use straight lines as a guide for Pikachu’s arms, ears and feet. Within the head oval draw the side of Pikachu’s face and his mouth.

Step 3. Hands and Feet
Next use more ovals as a guide for Pikachu’s chest muscles, do four smaller ovals, two for his hands and two for his feet. Sketch the side of his body, ears and eyes.

Step 4. Drawing the Muscles
Focus on drawing the muscles on Pikachu’s upper body and sketch his eyes, cheeks and nose.

Step 5. Fingers and Toes
Add the final details of his muscles as well as his fingers and toes. Draw markings on the top of his ears.

Final Step 6
Go over the picture in pen and erase any guidelines.