What does cute Pikachu see? Create a cool world around your cute favorite Pokemon. Download this easy and cute Pikachu drawing tutorial to create your own masterpiece.

Step 1. Cute Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
Sketch the shape of Pikachu’s head and mark the middle where his face will go. Use two small circles as guides for his legs.

Step 2. Drawing Tutorial
Next use lines as guides for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Sketch an outline by connecting the circles and his head. Use a zig-zag line to start creating Pikachu’s tail.

Step 3
Draw Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Finish the other side of Pikachu’s tail and draw his eyes.

Step 4
Add in details including the marking on Pikachu’s tail and ears. Use circles to draw his cheeks and pupils, sketch in his nose and tongue.

Step 5
Now go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s eyes, tips of his ears and base of his tail. You can erase any guidelines.