Drawing Cute Pikachu – Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1. Cute Pikachu Drawing Easy Tutorial for Beginners

For this picture start by drawing a big circle on top of a small circle, add a cross to the big circle. Begin sketching Pikachu’s face following the circle as a guide and adding in ears facing different directions.

cute pikachu drawing easy step 1

Step 2

Sketch in fun details on Pikachu’s face including his cool sunglasses, mouth, nose and cheeks. Use the cross guidelines to draw symmetrical features. Add the markings to Pikachu’s ears.

cute pikachu drawing easy step 2

Step 3

Next draw a pear-shaped outline of Pikachu’s body using the smaller circle as a guide. Don’t’ forget to draw in his feet.

cute pikachu drawing easy step 3

Step 4

Add Pikachu’s stripey markings and arms.

cute pikachu drawing easy step 4

Step 5

To finish up use zig-zag lines to draw Pikachu’s lighting tail, making sure to add the markings on the base. Finally go over the picture in pen and erase any pencil guidelines.

cute pikachu drawing easy step 5

Anyone can be a Pikachu artist when you follow our simple instructions. Just keep drawing this cute Pikachu drawing easy like we show you and you will be creating your own drawings before you know it. The first time you look at this guy, it may seem hard, but we make it easy for you.