If you want a new challenge to the usual Pikachu image then have fun with this free step-by-step guide to drawing fat Pikachu. Use large circles to build up his body and add lines to create that recognizable Pikachu face.

Step 1. Fat Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
Begin by drawing three circles for Pikachu’s head and legs, mark on the head circle where Pikachu’s face will go.

Step 2
Connect the circles to create Pikachu’s outline and draw a chubby mouth. Use straight lines as guides for Pikachu’s arms, feet and ears.

Step 3
Next sketch in Pikachu’s chunky arms and pointed ears. Draw circles for Pikachu’s cheeks and eyes.

Step 4
Add in details including fingers and toes. Use wobbly lines to make Pikachu appear fat and draw markings on his small ears and tail. Use a “X” to mark his belly button and sketch in the rest of his facial details.

Finish Drawing Step
Go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s eyes, nose and markings. Erase any pencil guidelines.