Power-up for battle and teach yourself to draw this electrified fighting Pikachu. Your Pokémon will be able to take on any challenger once you have finished these free step-by step instructions. See the progress in your sketching as you follow along.

Step 1. Fighting Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
Begin by drawing a large oval for Pikachu’s head, draw smaller circles where his legs will be. Use a line to mark the end of Pikachu’s tail.

Step 2
Next draw straight lines for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Create a zig-zag line for Pikachu’s tail and sketch the outline of his body. Draw Pikachu’s mouth.

Step 3
Sketch the outline for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Use circles to draw his cheeks and draw his eyes. Finish Pikachu’s lightning tail.

Step 4
Add final details including lighting shooting from Pikachu’s cheeks. Draw his pupils and nose. Sketch in his fingers, toes and markings on his back, ears and tail.

Step 5 – Final
Go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s eyes and his ear and tail markings. Erase any guidelines.