How to Draw Pikachu with Friends – Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1. Pikachu with Friends Drawing Tutorial

Start by drawing three circles which will be the guide for Pikachu and his friend’s heads. You can begin sketching the outline of Pikachu’s face including his round cheeks and pointed ears.

how to draw pikachu cute and easy step 1

Step 2

Keep working on Pikachu by drawing his facial features and sketching his body. Make sure to mark off the top of his ears and draw circles for his cheeks.

how to draw pikachu cute and easy step 2

Step 3

Next you can start adding details to Tepig. Draw Pikachu’s tail first as this will be in front of Tepig. Afterwards draw Tepig’s head and body. You can add all of Tepig’s facial features too.

how to draw pikachu cute and easy step 3

Step 4

Now focus on drawing Snivy, start with the outline and then add details including the arms and lapel.

how to draw pikachu cute and easy step 4

Step 5

To complete the picture draw Snivy’s feet and tail. Add all the details to Snivy’s face and go over the picture in pen when you are happy. Erase any pencil guidelines.

how to draw pikachu cute and easy step 5

Pikachu with friends drawing may look very complicated, but when you break it down the way we have, it becomes simple. Once you learn how to draw it as a group, try each one of the characters separately. Then try it with other Pokemon characters. You will amaze yourself and others.