It’s time to get ready for action. Learn to draw new Pikachu Pokemon expressions and Pokemon hat for free. This step-by-step guide helps you to progress your drawing talents and is suitable for all abilities. Impress everyone with your new artwork.

Step 1
Draw some shapes as a guide for Pikachu’s head, back and leg.

Step 2
Use straight lines as guides for where Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet will go. You can also mark the top of his tail.

Step 3
Using the guides draw Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Sketch the hat on his head and use zig-zag lines to start creating his lightning tail. Draw his eyes and top of his mouth on his head.

Step 4
Next draw the details on Pikachu’s hat. Finish off his tail and draw his toes and fingers. Mark off the top of his ears and bottom of his tail, draw stripes on his back. Add the remaining facial features including his eyes, cheeks and nose.

Step 5
When you are happy with your picture go over the outline in pen. Shading in Pikachu’s eyes and the markings on his ears and tail. Erase any guidelines.