Pikachu is ready and waiting for his diploma, you can make his graduation ready with this fun drawing tutorial “Pikachu Graduate”. You can follow these free step-by-step instructions to create your own Pokémon picture that includes the famous graduation cap and gown.

Step 1. Pikachu Graduate Drawing Tutorial
Begin by drawing an oval for Pikachu’s head with a vertical line. Mark where the tail and graduate gown will end.

Step 2
Draw guidelines for the arms, ears and top of the cap. Sketch the gown and zig-zag tail. Draw a simple nose and mouth.

Step 3
Sketch the outline of the ears and graduation cap. Draw the basic features of the gown and include the graduation roll. Finish the tail outline and base of the body. Use circles to create eyes.

Step 4
Add all the small details which feature in the graduation outfit. Draw in the final facial features. Add toes and fingers. Use lines to create Pikachu’s tail and ear markings.

Step 5
When happy with all the details complete the drawing by shading the ears, eyes and tail. Then go over the outline in pen and erase the guidelines.