You’ll be jumping for joy when you see the results of this free step-by-step happy Pikachu. If you have a pen and paper, you are ready to draw your own Pokémon art and build on your artistic abilities. Get started now.

Step 1. Happy Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
Sketch the shape of Pikachu’s head and mark where his face will go. Draw two circles as a guide for his legs.

Step 2
Connect the circles and head as the outline for Pikachu’s body. Use straight lines as guides for his ears, arms and feet. Use zig-zag lines to create his tail and mark the top of his mouth.

Step 3
Draw circles for Pikachu’s eyes and sketch the outline of his ears, arms and feet. Finish his tail.

Step 4
Mark off the top of Pikachu’s ears and the base of his tail. Use circles for Pikachu’s cheeks and pupils and draw a happy open mouth and small nose. Draw fingers and toes.

Step 5
Go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s eyes and markings to complete the picture. Erase any guidelines.