What if you are out on the town and you run into an unexpected battle? Keep your Pikachu always ready in its ball and launch it to show all its power! Draw it completely free here following the step-by-step instructions.

Step 1.Pikachu in a Ball Drawing Tutorial
To start draw a large circle which Pikachu will be in. Use an oval as a guide for his face with two smaller circles for his legs. Mark where his tail will be at the edge of the large circle.

Step 2
Sketch guidelines for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Draw the outline for his body and begin his zig-zag tail. Sketch Pikachu’s mouth.

Step 3
Next draw the outline of Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Finish his tail and sketch in his eyes and mouth.

Step 4
Add final details to Pikachu including the marking on his ears and tail. Draw his hands and feet and remaining facial features.

Step 5
Draw a band across the large circle and sketch in a circular Pikachu logo.

Step 6
To finish go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s markings and eyes. Shade the band and logo on the ball. Erase any guidelines.