Pokémon fans will love this Mexican wrestling themed Pikachu. Learn how to draw this awesome picture by following the easy step-by-step tutorial. You’ll learn new techniques for sketching Pikachu. Get your pen and paper at the ready and start now. Learn how to draw Pikachu Libre.

Step 1. How to Draw Pikachu Libre
Start off by sketching a large horizontal oval for Pikachu’s head. Use guidelines to mark the location of his ears, face and tail. Sketch the torso and base of the body.

Step 2
Continue building the outline by drawing a heart shape for the end of the tail and connecting with a zig-zag line. Use circles to mark where the legs will go and sketch in the facial features including mouth, eyes and a small nose.

Step 3
Focus on drawing the outline. Start with Pikachu’s ears and sketch his wrestling mask. Draw feet over the leg circles and guidelines for his arms.

Step 4
Finish the outline for the torso and bottom of the body by drawing arms and legs.

Final Step 5
Finally add the finishing touches for Pikachu’s wresting outfits. Use zig-zag lines and heart shapes to makes Pikachu’s lighting powers. Use the Pokémon logo for his chest.