How to Draw Little Pikachu

Step 1. Little Pikachu Drawing Tutorial

Start by drawing a large circle for Pikachu’s head. Mark the end of his tail and draw two smaller ovals for his legs.

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Step 2

Use lines as guides for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Sketch in fur, a mouth and zig-zag tail. Draw the outline for Pikachu’s back.

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Step 3

Next create the outline for Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Finish his tail and draw big round eyes.

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Step 4

Mark off the end of Pikachu’s ears and tail. Sketch his fingers, toes and remaining facial features including eyes, nose and cheeks.

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Step 5

Go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s eyes and markings. Erase any pencil guidelines.

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Little Pikachu will grow with you as you teach him more skills to become a great warrior. Are you ready for the mission? Draw little Pikachu following the steps you see here, and have fun coloring him.