You can learn how to draw Mega Pikachu Z – this fan favourite version of Pikachu. It’s easy to follow along these free step-by-step pictures to create your own drawing. This tutorial is suitable for beginners and will help improve your sketching skills. Start now.

Step 1. How to Draw Mega Pikachu Z
Begin by drawing a large oval for the head. Sketch two smaller ovals for the base of Pikachu’ body. Mark guidelines for Pikachu’s face and ears.

Step 2
Next you can outline the ears, eyes, nose and base of the body. Draw more guidelines for the arms and the feet.

Step 3
Outline the arms, chin and feet. You can then focus on drawing a large striking tail using curved zig-zag lines.

Step 4
Focus of sketching more details onto your picture. Use circles for the eyes, mouth cheeks and markings. Draw fingers and toes. Using zig-zag lines for the markings of Pikachu’s face and tail.

Final Step 5
To finish use a pen or dark pencil to go over the outline, you can erase any guidelines. Shade in the eyes.