Have you seen a powerful enemy? Don’t worry, Pikachu is here to help you! Draw Pikachu coming out of Pokeball and send him out to destroy the bad ones. Follow the step-by-step instructions here totally free.

Step 1. Pikachu Out of a Pokeball Drawing Instruction
Begin by drawing a large circle for Pikachu to sit in. Use an oval for his face with a mark down the centre. Mark off where Pikachu’s tail will end.

Step 2
Next draw circles for the lid and base of the ball. Use lines to mark where Pikachu’s ears will go. Sketch the outline for Pikachu’s head, body and his mouth. Use a zig-zag line to draw Pikachu’s tail.

Step 3
Draw the outline for Pikachu’s ears and arms. Use circles to draw his eyes and the open button on the ball. Draw a band around the ball. Finish Pikachu’s lightning tail.

Step 4
Add the markings on Pikachu’s tail and ears. Use circles to draw Pikachu’s cheeks and pupils and a small triangle for his nose.

Step 5
Go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s markings and eyes. Shade in the band going around the ball to finish.