Wave hello to your newest Pokemon Pikachu creation. If you love Pokémon and want to learn to draw, this is the ideal place to start. Follow through the free step-by-step instructions and watch as you transform shapes and lines into Pikachu.

Step 1. How to Draw Pokemon Pikachu Tutorial
To begin draw a large oval for Pikachu’s head and two small circles for his legs. Mark where his face will go.

Step 2
Draw guidelines for his ears, arms and feet using straight lines. Sketch the top of Pikachu’s mouth, draw the outline of his body by connect the circles and oval. Create his tail using zig-zag lines.

Step 3
Finish Pikachu’s tail. Sketch the outline of his arms, feet and ears. Draw a hat on his head and use circles for his eyes.

Step 4
Add final details such as a logo on Pikachu’s hat and the rim of his cap. Draw his fingers and toes and mark off his ears and tail. Use circles to create his remaining facial features including cheeks, eyes and nose.

Step 5
To finish go over the picture in pen and shade in Pikachu’s markings and eyes. Erase any pencil guidelines.