Simple Valentine’s Pikachu taped a heart to his tail! How sweet Draw your favorite Pokemon, with a heart on his tail, in this simple drawing tutorial. Download the pdf, print it, and show off your creative skills, step-by-step.

Step 1. Valentine’s Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
Start by drawing a large circle as a guide for Pikachu’s head. Draw two smaller circles as a guide for his legs and the base of his body.

Step 2
Sketch a heart-shape which will go on the end of Pikachu’s tail. You can also sketch Pikachu’s head and mouth. Connect the circles to create the outline of Pikachu’s body. Use straight lines to mark where Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet will be.

Step 3
Use the guidelines to draw Pikachu’s ears, arms and feet. Draw zig-zag lines to connect Pikachu’s tail from the heart to his body. Use a circle to draw his eye.

Step 4
Finish up by drawing Pikachu’s pupil and cheek. Sketch in details including Pikachu’s fingers, toes and markings on his ears and tail. Draw some tape on his tail as well.

Step 5
Go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s markings and eye.