Always wanted to draw that famous Pikachu tail? Start today following free step-by-step instructions. Take your time following the shapes outlined to create little Pikachu sketch enjoying his snack time. This makes a great activity for Pokémon fans of all ages.

Step 1. Pikachu Sketch Drawing Tutorial
Start of by drawing three large ovals, one for Pikachu’s head and two for his feet.

Step 2. Sketching Ears, Arms, Feet
Draw guideline for his ears, arms and feet. Connect the ovals to create the outline of his body and begin drawing his lightning tail.

Step 3. Sketch Outline for the Body
Sketch the outline for Pikachu’s arms, feet and ears. Finish the rest of his tail and draw his snack and cheek. Use curved lines for his eyes.

Step 4. Pikachu’s Face Sketching
Add details on his face and draw in his fingers and toes. Mark off the tip of his ears and the base of his tail. Draw the finish details on Pikachu’s snack.

Step 5. Finish Drawing
When you are happy with your picture go over the outline in pen and shade in Pikachu’s markings. Erase any pencil guidelines.