One of Pikachu’s most recognisable features is his lightning bolt tail. If you are new to drawing and want to start off small then this free step-by-step tutorial is perfect for you. Turn lines into Pokémon art by starting now and learn how to draw Pikachu tail.

Step 1. How to Draw Pikachu Tail
To begin make a large curved line for the top of the tail. Draw a zig-zag line down from the top of the curved line.

Step 2
Next draw from the bottom of the curved line, use another zig-zag line that mirror the first one. This should create Pikachu’s famous lightning bolt tail.

Step 3
To finish up add the final details, mark the end of the tail with a straight line. Sketch in another zig-zag line about ¼ of the way up the tail for Pikachu’s markings.

Step 4
Complete Pikachu’s tail by going over the outline in pen and shading in the tail marking.