Teenager Pikachu is set with his cool onesie and stylish sneakers. All ages can enjoy creating this picture. Follow this free tutorial which contains step-by-step instructions on how to create the shapes and lines to draw your own Pikachu picture.

Step 1. Teenager Pikachu Drawing Tutorial
To begin draw two horizontal ovals with a small space between. Mark a guideline down the centre of the top oval.

Step 2
Draw lines for where the ears, arms, feet and tail will be. Roughly sketch the lines of the outfit and hair.

Step 3
Give the picture shape by drawing the outline. Starting with the ears, arms and leg you can connect these features with the outline of the outfit including buttons. Draw a zig-zag line for the tail and sketch the facial features.

Step 4
Start drawing the final details on the picture, focusing on the shoes and outfit. Mark off the top of the ears and add a messy fringe coming out of the hood. Use circles and lines to detail the face and complete the tail.

Step 5
Finish the picture by going over the outline and shading the ears and eyes.