It’s impossible to not find Pikachu cute. You can recreate his cuteness using our free step-by-step drawing instructions. Follow along and learn new drawing technics as you go. You’ll see Pikachu with hat drawing appear in front of your eyes.

Step 1. Pikachu with Hat Drawing Tutorial
Draw two small circles which will be the guide for Pikachu’s legs. Sketch the shape of his head and mark the centre of his face.

Step 2
Using straight lines draw guides for Pikachu’s arms, ears and feet. Use circles as the outline for his eyes and sketch the top of his hat. Connect the guide circles to create the outline for his body.

Step 3
Next sketch Pikachu’s arms, feet and ears. Draw the rest of his hat and finish his tail. Use a peaked line for the top of Pikachu’s mouth.

Step 4
Add in final details including the logo of his hat and marking on the top of Pikachu’s ears. Sketch in the rest of his facial details, using circles for his cheeks and pupils.

Step 5
Finish by going over the outline in pen and shading in his eyes and ear markings. Erase any pencil guidelines.